Voices from the Ground: February 14th

On 14 February 2011, thousands of Bahraini citizens joined together in order to peacefully challenge deeply-rooted political and societal issues.  On the heels of similar movements in Tunisia and Egypt, young Bahrainis used social media to unite protesters across the country in an uprising that would come to embody the political climate for years to[…]

A Week of Censorship for Kuwait

Earlier this month, Kuwait’s parliament passed two new laws increasing the government’s power to censor online media and restrict free expression. On 11 January 2016, lawmakers prescribed a jail term of up to ten years for any online “criticism of the government, religious figureheads or foreign leaders.” The next day, the parliament passed an additional law regulating[…]

Saudi Government Executes Sheikh Nimr

2 January 2016 – Washington, DC – The Government of Saudi Arabia executed reformist cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr today, along with 46 other persons. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR) condemn in the[…]

Further Harassment of Human Rights and Political Activists

Today, 31 December 2015, Bahraini authorities summoned five prominent activists for interrogation over speeches they delivered at an event for solidarity with detained opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) condemn the[…]

Bahraini Authorities Introduce Additional Oppressive Laws

إضغط هنا لنسخة عربية Since the 2011 uprising, the Government of Bahrain has introduced laws granting authorities the ability to further prosecute and suppress peaceful opposition. In the past several weeks, the Bahraini Parliament and Shura Council approved amendments to Bahrain’s anti-terrorism law, “Protecting Society from Terrorism Acts” and the Political Societies law. Americans for[…]