Ali al-Nimr’s Imminent Execution

On 27 May 2014, Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court sentenced Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr to death by beheading and crucifixion. On 17 August 2014, the Supreme Court upheld his verdict. Ali’s execution is imminent. With no remaining avenues for legal appeal, the only thing that prevents the sentence from being carried out is King Salman’s[…]

The unjust arrest, trial, and execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr

The trial of prominent Muslim Shia cleric and political activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was marred with human rights violations. Sheikh Nimr from the Awamiyah village in the Qatif region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a vocal critic of the Saudi government and called for peaceful political reforms. He advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience[…]

A mockery of justice: the unjust trial of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr

Almost four months ago on 2 January 2016, the Government of Saudi Arabia carried out a mass execution of 47 individuals including prominent Muslim Shia cleric and political activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Authorities executed Sheikh Nimr based a number of charges related to his political activism. Sheikh Nimr was a political and social justice activist[…]

Saudi Government Executes Sheikh Nimr

2 January 2016 – Washington, DC – The Government of Saudi Arabia executed reformist cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr today, along with 46 other persons. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR) condemn in the[…]

Calling on King Salman To Stay Imminent Execution of Human Rights Activist

  إضغط هنا لنسخة عربية FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 25 October 2015 Washington, DC – More than a year since a Saudi Arabian court sentenced leading opposition activist Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr to death, authorities announced that his appeal has been refused and his death sentence upheld. Sheikh al-Nimr’s family and lawyer reported on Saturday that both[…]