Exposing Hypocrisy: The EU’s Failure to Defend Human Rights in the Case of Abdulhadi al-Khawaja

In 2011, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, a prominent Bahraini-Danish human rights defender, was arrested for advocating for civil and political freedoms in Bahrain. He was convicted under an emergency royal decree issued in response to widespread protests against the regime that year. The royal decree, entitled “State of National Safety”, enables authorities to prosecute individuals for any[…]

Members of European Parliament publish letter to the High Representative strongly condemning Bahrain’s use of the death penalty

On 2nd October 2020, a letter signed by 15 Members of European Parliament (MEPs) was addressed to the High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, citing concern over ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain and strongly condemning the country’s use of the death penalty. Read the full letter HERE According to the letter, 23[…]

MEPs Send Letter to Government of Bahrain Raising Concerns ahead of Christmas Day Death Penalty Hearing

20 December 2019 – Today, twenty Members of European Parliament sent a letter to Shaikh Khalid bin Ali bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment in Bahrain, raising concerns about the case of Mohamed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. The verdict in their case, originally due 27 November 2019, was arbitrarily[…]

UPDATED: MEP Julie Ward Sends Letter to Bahraini Ambassador Condemning Bahrain’s Use of the Death Penalty

*** On Saturday 27 July 2019, the Government of Bahrain executed 25-year-old Ali AlArab and 24-year-old Ahmed AlMalali, along with a third individual. Read ADHRB’s statement on the executions here.   On 14 May 2019, Julie Ward, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), sent a letter to the Ambassador of Bahrain to Belgium regarding[…]

ADHRB Welcomes Steps By US and EU to Address Imprisoned Activists and Discrimination Against Women in Saudi Arabia

21 February 2019 – Last week, the United States (US) House of Representatives and the European Parliament took steps to address the ongoing imprisonment of women in Saudi Arabia and the systematic discrimination against them. On 13 February, US Representatives Lois Frankel (D-FL), David Cicilline (D-RI), Ann Wagner (R-MO), and Susan Wild (D-PA) introduced a[…]