Head of Italy’s Democratic Party Issues Statement on Death Sentences of Mohammed Ramadhan and Hussain Ali Moosa

22 January 2020 – On 8 January 2020, Bahrain’s High Criminal Court of Appeal upheld the convictions and death sentences of Mohammed Ramadhan Issa Ali Hussain and Hussain Ali Moosa, which had initially been overturned by Bahrain’s Court of Cassation in October 2018, and the case was returned to the Court of Appeals for re-examination,[…]

Italian Senator Stefania Pucciarelli Sends Letter to King Hamad on Death Sentence of Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa

21 January 2020 – On Thursday 9 January, The Italian Senate’s Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee, Stefania Pucciarelli, sent a letter to King Hamad bin Isa of Bahrain, urgently requesting that the Kingdom protect the lives of two Bahraini citizens: Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa. On 8 January 2020, Bahrain’s High Criminal Court of[…]

Bahrain Upholds Death Sentence Against Torture Victims

8 January 2020 – Bahrain’s High Criminal Court of Appeals has upheld the death sentences of Mohammed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. Both men were convicted in an unfair trial that used evidence obtained through their torture. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and Reprieve[…]

MEPs Send Letter to Government of Bahrain Raising Concerns ahead of Christmas Day Death Penalty Hearing

20 December 2019 – Today, twenty Members of European Parliament sent a letter to Shaikh Khalid bin Ali bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment in Bahrain, raising concerns about the case of Mohamed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. The verdict in their case, originally due 27 November 2019, was arbitrarily[…]

French MPs Pancher and Hammouche Table Two Written Questions on Bahrain

11 December 2019 – Yesterday, two members of the French National Assembly, Mr. Pancher and Mr. Hammouche, tabled two questions to draw the attention of the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs to human rights violations in Bahrain. In his question, Mr. Pancher expressed his concerns over the executions that took place in July[…]