Analysing the UPR of Saudi Arabia: New Recommendations and Foreseeable Developments – Death Penalty (Part Two)

Saudi Arabia has recently received a review of its human rights records during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review on 22 January 2024. In this instance, it has received 35 recommendations on using the death penalty. Before this, in 2018, it had already received various recommendations on reforming the use of the death[…]

Analysing the UPR of Saudi Arabia: New Recommendations and Foreseeable Developments – Freedom Of Expression (Part One)

On 22 January 2024, Saudi Arabia received a review of its human rights record in the country’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This mechanism is characterised by a peer review by other UN member states suggesting how to improve the respect of human rights in light of the country’s international obligations. The government has received[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abdulla Mohamed AlDurazi

Abdulla Mohamed AlDurazi, an 18-year-old Saudi citizen from the Qatif region in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, was arrested without an arrest warrant while walking alone on 27 August 2014. His detention has been marred by multiple human rights violations, including torture, enforced disappearance, solitary confinement, and an unfair trial. He was sentenced to[…]

Profile in Persecution: Mohamed Ali Adel Maki

Updated: In 2019, Mohamed Ali Adel Maki, a 15-year-old Bahraini student, was arbitrarily arrested without an arrest warrant. During his repeated arrests, Mohamed Ali has faced multiple human rights violations during his detention, including torture, enforced disappearance, and unfair trial. He has been accused of multiple charges and is currently serving his sentence in the[…]

ADHRB urges the Saudi King to Annul the Death Sentences of Jaafar Sultan and Sadeq Thamer

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) calls on the King of Saudi Arabia to halt the imminent execution of Bahraini citizens, Jaafar Mohamed Sultan and Sadeq Majeed Thamer, whose death sentences were upheld by the Saudi Supreme Court on 6 April 2022, by annulling their sentences. They have exhausted all legal remedies,[…]