HRC37 Intervention on Saudi Arabia’s Execution of Persons with Disabilities

On Wednesday 7 March 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, Duaa Dhainy of the European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB during the Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteurs on albinism and disabilities. In her intervention, she addressed the case of Saudi[…]

HRC Written Statement: Abuse of the Judicial System in Bahrain

ADHRB submitted a written statement at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council detailing the politicization and abuse of Bahrain’s judiciary.   Abuse of the Judicial System in Bahrain On the occasion of the 37th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) would like to[…]

Seven Years After the 2011 Uprising, Bahrain’s Military Courts Confirm Death Sentences for Civilians

21 February 2018 – Today, Bahrain’s Military High Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of three civilians and one soldier convicted in a mass trial – “Terror Case/2017/1” – by the Military High Court on 25 December 2017. The case marks the first trial of civilians before a military tribunal in Bahrain since the 2011 National Safety[…]

On its Seventh Anniversary, Bahrain’s Rights Movement is Under Unprecedented Attack

14 February 2018 – Today, we in the Bahraini human rights community commemorate the seventh anniversary of the 14 February 2011 protest movement calling for democratic reform and respect for human rights in Bahrain, and we condemn its violent suppression by the government. Seven years later, the situation in Bahrain is worse even than in[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Moosa Abdulla Jaafar

Moosa Abdulla Jaafar is a former student who was harassed by the Bahraini police, tortured, and sentenced to death in an unfair trial. He is currently in Jau Prison, at risk of execution. On 26 April 2016, plainclothes police officers arrested Moosa on the street in Karranah. The officers provided a warrant issued by the[…]