ADHRB Condemns Unfair Trial, Imminent Executions in Bahrain

21 May 2018 – The Court of Cassation, Bahrain’s highest court, today confirmed the sentences against twelve men convicted for alleged terror offenses in an unfair trial marred by reports of torture and other due process violations. Two of the individuals were sentenced to death and are now at imminent risk of execution. Americans for[…]

Bahrain Military Court Death Sentences Ratified but Reduced to Life Imprisonment

26 April 2018 – Following yesterday’s decision by Bahrain’s Military Court of Cassation to reject the final appeal of three civilians and one soldier sentenced to death on 25 December 2017, the king has chosen to ratify the ruling but commute the death penalties to life imprisonment for the four appellants. Americans for Democracy &[…]

Bahraini Opposition Leader Sheikh Ali Salman Could Face Death Penalty as Qatar Trial is Set to Conclude on 21 June

Bahraini Public Prosecution Advocate General Osama al-Oufi announced on 24 April 2018 that the High Criminal Court had adjourned the new trial of imprisoned opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and his two in absentia codefendants, Sheikh Hassan Ali Juma Sultan and Ali Mehdi Ali Al Aswad, until 21 June. The court is expected to issue[…]

Abdullah al-Zaher Spends Another Birthday on Death Row in Saudi Arabia

24 March 2018 – Abdullah Hasan al-Zaher turns 22 today – his 7th birthday spent in prison, and his fourth birthday spent on death row after he was arrested in 2012 because of his participation in a peaceful protest. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and the European Saudi Organisation for Human[…]

Profiles in Persecution – Husain Ebrahim Marzooq

Husain Ebrahim Marzooq is a 28-year-old Bahraini accountant who was sentenced to death and stripped of his nationality after an unfair trial. The authorities arbitrarily detained him and subjected him to torture and ill-treatment in order to coerce a confession. His sentence was recently upheld by the Court of Cassation, Bahrain’s highest court, and he[…]