Restricted Freedom … The Bahraini Government’s failure to Implement Transitional Justice for Released Individuals

On 8 April 2024, a royal decree was issued pardoning 1,584 prisoners, including several political prisoners. At first glance, the decree was considered a progressive reform in response to human rights demands aimed at improving the country’s dire rights situation. However, the step was incomplete, revealing that it was merely a means for the regime[…]

ADHRB submits stakeholder report on implementation of the UAE’s UPR recommendations to the UN

Ahead of the third cycle of the United Nations (UN) Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights (UPR) for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a stakeholder report assessing the UAE’s compliance with second-cycle recommendations to adhere to international treaties and human rights mechanisms; guarantee the rights[…]