On Universal Children’s Day, ADHRB Calls on the Government of Bahrain to Respect the Rights of Children

November 20 marks Universal Children’s Day, a date when governments around the world are asked by the United Nations to promote “the welfare of the children of the world.” On this Universal Children’s Day, ADHRB calls upon the Government of Bahrain to abide by its commitments, as party to the Convention on the Rights of[…]

ADHRB Calls for Independent Investigation into Death of Young Boy by Bahraini Security Forces

A 16-year-old boy was killed by Bahraini security forces during protests in Muharraq on Friday. According to initial reports, security forces used live rounds of ammunition on protesters, wounding Hussam al-Haddad, who was pronounced dead after being taken to the hospital. According to the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), after security forces fired shots[…]