This report explores the ongoing arrests and human rights violations against children in Bahrain, particularly those linked to freedom of expression and assembly. Despite the royal pardon in April 2024 and the release of detained minors, the arbitrary arrest, detention, and abuse of children persist. Introduction (Pages 1-2) Despite the royal decree of April 2024[…]
15-year-old minor and school student AbdulAziz Husain AlHammadi was arrested by Bahraini authorities on 20 October 2024 from his home without a warrant. During his detention, he endured enforced disappearance, torture, denial of family contact and visits, denial of lawyer access, unfair trial, malnutrition, medical neglect, and deprivation of his right to education. He is[…]
Yousif Fadhel AlTooq was a 15-year-old minor and school student when Bahraini authorities arrested him without a warrant on 8 August 2024 after summoning him to the Sitra Police Station. During his detention, he has endured torture, denial of family visits, denial of access to legal counsel, deprivation of his right to education, withholding of[…]
Ali Husain Matrook Abdulla was a 15-year-old minor and school student when Bahraini authorities arrested him on 26 August 2024 in Karranah while spending time with friends. The arrest was carried out without a warrant. During his detention, he endured torture, denial of family visits, denial of access to his lawyer, deprivation of his right[…]
Ali Mahmood Mahmood (AlKahraba’ii) was a 15-year-old Bahraini school student and minor when Bahraini authorities arrested him from his grandfather’s house on 16 January 2019 without presenting an arrest warrant. During detention, he endured torture, enforced disappearance, denial of access to legal counsel, unfair trial based on confessions extracted under torture, and sectarian-based insults. Ali[…]