Dr. Saeed al-Samahiji: August Champion for Justice

Bahrain Champion for Justice: Dr. Saeed al-Samahiji Dr. Saeed al-Samahiji is an ophthalmologist and human rights activist who extended his medical services to help injured protesters during the 2011 pro-democracy protests in Bahrain. As a result, Dr. Al-Samahiji was among 20 medics that were convicted by a special military court on 29 September 2011 for[…]

Hussain Hubail: June’s Champion for Justice

Hussain Hubail Hussain Hubail is an award-winning freelance photographer whose work has been published by Agence France-Presse, Voice of America and various other news outlets. His work includes photographs of the pro-democracy protests in Bahrain. In May 2013, independent newspaper Al-Wasat awarded him a prize for his photograph of protesters running through a cloud of tear[…]

Mahdi Abu Deeb: April’s Champion for Justice

  Mahdi Abu Deeb   Dr. Mahdi Isa Mahdi Abu Deeb is an educator and education administrator formerly employed by the Ministry of Education to guide development of art studies in government schools. He is also the founder and president of the Bahrain Teacher’s Association (BTA), and was elected Assistant-Secretary General of the Arab Teachers’[…]

Hassan Mushaima: March’s Champion for Justice

Hassan Mushaima is a Bahraini political activist, teacher and Secretary General of the al-Haq Movement. Mushaima has previously been targeted by the Bahraini government, and his most recent arrest and subsequent life sentence was for his involvement in the peaceful Bahrain protest movement in 2011. Mushaima entered politics during the 1994 Bahrain uprising, and in[…]