ADHRB Responds to UK’s Foreign Commonwealth Office Report on Bahrain

On 16 October 2014, the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) of the United Kingdom publicly released its bi-yearly update to its country report on the Kingdom of Bahrain. The update specifically addresses the Human Rights and Democracy section of the country report by detailing the most recent developments on the ground. While the report highlights public[…]

Bahrain: Land of the Brave, Not of the Free

It’s a well-known fact that the Government of Bahrain attempts to systematically muzzle its critics through arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and judicial abuse. Thousands of individuals languish behind bars because calls for reform in Bahrain are perceived as threatening to the regime’s grip on power. In recent months, this has led to a new wave[…]

FinFisher Strikes Again

Yesterday, British news agencies reported that Bahraini officials remotely monitored and interfered with the private communications of three Bahraini expatriates and human rights activists living in the United Kingdom. Through the use of FinFisher software, Bahraini authorities were able to download malware onto the personal devices of Dr. Saeed Shehabi, Mohammed Moosa Abd-Ali Ali and[…]

Censored Censure: Nabeel Rajab Detained for Tweets

On Wednesday October 1, 2014, the Government of Bahrain arrested prominent Bahraini human rights defender, Nabeel Rajab, allegedly on account of remarks he made on Twitter on September 28.  The government’s detainment of Nabeel goes directly against the spirit of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which states, “Everyone has the[…]

Members of Congress Send Letter to Secretaries Hagel and Kerry on Bahrain Crisis

On 13 June, 11 members of Congress – led by Representatives James P. McGovern (D-MA), Henry C. “Hank” Johnson (D-GA) and John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) – sent a letter to Secretaries Hagel and Kerry encouraging them to play a stronger role in addressing the political upheaval in Bahrain. Please click here for a translation of this letter[…]