HRC43 Written Statement: Bahrain’s Death Penalty

Ahead of the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) wishes to take the opportunity at the 43rd session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) to raise concerns about Bahrain’s use of the death penalty, in particular, the executions of two[…]

8 UN Experts Condemn Bahrain’s Treatment of Political Prisoners

17 February 2020 – 8 UN Special Rapporteurs have expressed “grave concern” about the mistreatment of political prisoners Hajer Mansoor, Medina Ali and Nabeel Rajab in Bahraini detention centres, “which may amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”  In a letter to the Bahraini government, the experts documented a range of abuses[…]

Italian Members of Parliament Palazzoto and Quartapelle Procopio Question Italian Foreign Minister on Bahraini Human rights Violations during State Visit by Bahraini Crown Prince

With growing concern and awareness within the international community regarding the human rights violations in Bahrain, specifically framed within the recent upholding of the death sentences of Mohammad Ramadhan and Husain Moosa, many members of Parliament have begun to press their foreign ministers to issue condemnations in order to obtain respect for, and the safeguarding[…]

On Human Rights Day, Systematic Abuses Persist in Bahrain

10 December 2019 – Today is Human Rights Day, commemorating the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In honor of this occasion, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) reiterates our call for all governments around the world to protect and promote fundamental human rights without prejudice. In[…]

French MP Clémentine Autain Tables Question on Bahrain

3 December 2019 – Today, French Member of Parliament (MP) Clémentine Autain tabled a question to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs on “serious human rights abuses” in Bahrain. She noted the intensification of human rights abuses since 2017, including arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, and sexual assault, and the increase in political prisoners,[…]