Landslide Call by 60 MEPs to the King of Bahrain to Release All Political Prisoners

On the 17th of  June 2020, 60 MEPs sent a letter to the King of Bahrain demanding the release of the rest of political detainees in Bahrain, who had been left out of the prior prison release on March 17th 2020. Read the full letter HERE The Bahraini government cited that the reason for the[…]

From 14 Countries and 22 Capitals and Cities: Voices Demand the Release of Bahraini Political Prisoners

With the hashtag #ReleasePoliticalPrisoners, students and activists all over Europe expressed their concern and demanded the immediate release of political prisoners in Bahrain. On March 17, 2020, Bahrain completed the release of 1,486 prisoners, 901 of whom received royal pardons on “humanitarian grounds.” The remaining 585 were given non-custodial sentences. While this is a positive[…]

Bahrain: Free Imprisoned Rights Defenders and Activists

Extend Releases to Those at Special Risk of COVID-19 April 6, 2020- Amid the global threat posed by COVID-19, Bahraini authorities should release human rights defenders, opposition activists, journalists and all others imprisoned solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association, a coalition of 21 rights groups said today. For[…]

Prominent Political and Human Rights Activists Excluded from Bahrain Prison Release

18 March 2020 – Bahrain has released a significant proportion of its prison population amid rising panic over the spread of Coronavirus, but prominent political leaders and human rights defenders have been excluded, the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) and Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) said today. Last Thursday,[…]

Political Prisoner Recounts Painful Memories of 10 March 2015 in Letter Marking Fifth Anniversary

10 March 2020 – Political prisoner Ali AlHajee wrote a letter marking the mass beatings of prisoners that took place on this day five years ago in Jau Prison, recounting the three month policy of collective punishment endured by prisoners in the form of physical and psychological torture. Though only a minority of prisoners participated[…]