6 March 2017 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and the Iraqi Development Organization take this opportunity at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council, during the Clustered Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Disabilities and the Special Rapporteur on Albinism, to call to the Council’s attention the plight of persons[…]
6 March 2019 – Today, Alessandro Musumeci delivered an oral intervention on behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) at the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, during the Annual Debate: Rights of Persons with Disabilities . This intervention focuses on the article 26 of the Convention, which states[…]
Husain Radhi AbdulNabi is a 13-year-old Bahraini boy being arbitrarily detained in the Bahrain’s Juvenile Care Center in Isa Town. On 14 February 2019, armed officers in civilian clothing arrested Husain on the street in the village of al-Musalla, during an ongoing protest nearby. Officers beat him and yelled at him, and arrested him without[…]
6 March 2019 – Today at the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral intervention during the Item 3 Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on violence against children and children in armed conflict. This[…]
5 March 2019 – Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) held a panel event at the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in which panelists outlined the deteriorating human rights situation in Bahrain, making the case for international action to stem the slide in human rights. The[…]