UN HRC Adopts Resolution Highlighting Role of Environmental Human Rights Activists

On 21 March 2019, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) unanimously brought to attention the important role of environmental human rights defenders by adopting a strong consensus resolution which legitimized the work of these activists. The HRC reaffirmed the need for states to protect the international rights of its citizens, including the protection[…]

WGEID Sends Allegation Letter to Bahrain Concerning Pattern of Enforced Disappearances

In September 2018, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) presented 145 cases exhibiting a pattern of enforced disappearances in Bahrain to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID). In October 2018, the WGEID sent an allegation letter to Bahrain on the subject and the Bahraini government has elected not to[…]

Italy’s Role in Whitewashing Religious Intolerance in Bahrain

Read the Italian translation of this blog here. On 5 November 2018, Italian public university Università di Roma La Sapienza inaugurated a new professorship in honor of Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa – the King Hamad Chair for inter-religious dialogue and peaceful co-existence. The professorship, likely starting in September 2019 according to sources, was[…]

Medical Negligence in Bahraini Prisons

Since the 2011 protests and intensified crackdown on civil society, Bahraini authorities continue to use elements of torture, abuse, threats, and unjust treatment against political prisoners as reprisals for their activism. Pressing concerns in the kingdom’s prisons, ran by the corrupt Ministry of Interior, range from poor living conditions to medical neglect and blatant disregard[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Sayed Ali Fadhul

Sayed Ali Fadhul is a 16-year-old child who was arrested without a warrant by the Bahraini government, tortured, and denied a fair trial. Bahraini authorities arbitrarily detained Fadhul and continue to imprison him, enforcing his unjust sentence while conducting a new unfair trial against him. The Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) summoned Fadhul multiple times in[…]