On 10 July 2020, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity. Madam President ADHRB thanks the Independent expert on human rights and international solidarity for his report highlighting the issue of human rights-based international solidarity in the context of climate change. However,[…]
On 3 July 2020, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 44 under item 3 of the general debate, to take action to combat human trafficking in Bahrain and the UAE. Madam Rapporteur Thank you very much for your report which addresses a serious problem of trafficking in[…]
On July 3, 2020, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain hosted an online-streamed event entitled “Deepening Political & Human Rights Crisis in Bahrain”. This event has special meaning, as it proves that human right defenders may continue to speak out and advocate for positive change in oppressive countries, such as Bahrain, even during[…]
Human rights defender Naji Ali Fateel is a prominent rights activist, blogger, protest organiser and co-founder of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR). Fateel has been arrested on numerous occasions for his participation in peaceful assemblies and protests. In 2013, Fateel was arbitrarily arrested in his own home, and later, he was tortured[…]
Today, an online side event with the title No prosperous future or sustainable peace in Bahrain without the protection of Human Rights Defenders was held during the 44th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR). The event highlighted the ongoing and systemic abuses of human rights defenders (HRDs) and political prisoners in Bahrain.[…]