ADHRB calls on Bahrain to implement the recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review, including ending the culture of impunity

ADHRB has delivered an oral interventions at the resumption of the United Nation Human Rights Council 43 under item 6 of the General Debate raising concerns on the ongoing lack of UPR implementations in Bahrain. Madam President The UPR is a mechanism that a country can follow to assess how it has discharged its obligations[…]

Torture Survivors Face Imminent Execution After Bahrain’s Highest Court Finalises Death Sentences Against Two, Reinstates Citizenship to One

15 June 2020 – This morning, Bahrain’s Court of Cassation, the country’s highest appeals court, upheld the death sentence against Zuhair Ibrahim Jasim Abdullah, a 40-year old former restaurateur arrested in November 2017 on suspicion of carrying out a terror attack which killed a police officer. The death sentence of another individual, Hussein Abdullah Khalil[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Husain Hasan Abdulnabi

Husain was a 34-year-old self-employed bus driver when he was arrested on 10 December 2017. After being arbitrarily detained and subjected to torture, he was sentenced to life in prison and stripped of his nationality in an unfair trial. He is currently in Jau Prison. On 10 December 2017, at 2 am, National Security Agency[…]

BREAKING: Bahrain’s Leading Rights Activist Nabeel Rajab Released From Prison Under Alternative Sentencing

9 June 2020 – Nabeel Rajab, Bahrain’s most prominent human rights defender and president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, has been released from Jau Prison today under alternative sentencing legislation after serving almost four years on two convictions for criticising Bahrain’s government on social media and in television interviews. The decision to release[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinion: 20 Bahrainis are Arbitrary Detained as part of “Zulfiqar trial”

  The United Nations (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published an opinion concerning the cases of 20 Bahraini citizens convicted by the Bahraini Fourth High Criminal Court on 15 May 2018, following a mass trial involving 138 defendants. These 138 defendants were convicted for their alleged involvement in a terrorist cell, called the[…]