UN Experts Send Allegation Letter to Bahrain Concerning Water and Electricity Cutoffs, among other Inhumane Detention Conditions in Jau Prison

Three United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteurs have published on their website the allegation letter sent to the Government of Bahrain on 12 August 2024, addressing deteriorating conditions faced by political prisoners in Bahrain’s Jau Prison. This communication highlighted the prisoners’ deprivations of water, electricity, medical care, restricted movement, solitary confinement, isolation, and denial of family[…]

The Case of Mohammed Ramadan and Hussain Moosa in Bahrain

Introduction Mohammed Ramadan and Hussain Moosa are two Bahraini citizens who became internationally known due to their controversial legal cases in Bahrain. Both men were arrested in February 2014 and subsequently sentenced to death, sparking widespread criticism from human rights organisations worldwide. The circumstances surrounding their arrests, interrogations, and trials have been widely condemned, particularly[…]

Briefing Paper: Digital Rights in Bahrain

Introduction  When we refer to digital rights—in this example, Bahraini rights—we refer to a wide set of human rights that are exercised and defended in the digital sphere. These include liberties like privacy, information access, and freedom of speech. As digital platforms are becoming increasingly important in social, political, and economic life, these rights have[…]

ADHRB Raises the Alarm Over Cuts to Electricity and Water and Denial of Medical Care for Protesting Prisoners in Jau Prison – Urges Immediate Action

ADHRB is expressing its deep concerns about the recent reports of escalating human rights violations that are occurring at Jau Prison in Bahrain. The new escalation of cutting off electricity and water on extremely hot summer days to protesting  prisoners  while denying them medical care,  is the newest form of retaliation by prison officials and[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sadeq Jaafar Ali (AlSammak)

Sadeq Jaafar Ali (AlSammak) was a 16-year-old Bahraini student from the town of Al Aali when he was arrested by Bahraini authorities on 5 October 2017, while he was on his way to school. The arrest was carried out without a warrant. During his detention, he endured torture, insults, solitary confinement, enforced disappearance, isolation, denial[…]