Bahrain | Updates from the Ground | News & Opinion Saudi Arabia | Other Gulf States | UN Complaint Program ____________________________________________ Bahrain Donate & Help Us Rebuild the Pearl Roundabout in Washington for the 5th Anniversary of Bahrain’s Uprising! In February-March 2011, almost half the population of Bahrain rose up to call for their rights to inclusive[…]
To donate, click here. اضغط هنا من أجل نسخة الإعلان العربية In February-March 2011, almost half of the population of Bahrain rose up to call for their rights to inclusive and representative government, an end to violence and torture by security forces, and democratic reform. At the center of the uprising was the Pearl Roundabout,[…]
8 December 2015 – The Bahrain National Institute for Human Rights (NIHR) issued its second annual report on 3 December 2015 regarding promotion and protection of human rights in Bahrain throughout 2014. While the report addresses some areas of concern, a majority of the report did not address key systematic issues of human rights abuses in the[…]
Bahrain | Updates from the Ground | News & Opinion Saudi Arabia | Other Gulf States | UN Complaint Program Bahrain Urgent Action: Detention of Ali Isa al-Tajer Ali Isa Ali al-Tajer is a Bahraini citizen and the brother of Mohamed al-Tajer, a prominent human rights lawyer and human rights defender in Bahrain. Security forces arrested Ali[…]
By Peter Bogdanich December 4, 2015 This Saturday, the U.S. triathlon promoter Ironman will hold its first competition in the Middle East. But by choosing Bahrain as its host, Ironman is teaming up with a royal family that has arrested top athletes and thousands of others who called for political reforms. Ironman’s half-marathon “Middle East[…]