UN Experts Declare Kameel Juma Hasan Arbitrarily Detained, Note Systemic Violations in Bahrain May Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

17 June 2021- Today the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD)  published an Opinion on its website concerning Kameel Juma Mansoor Salman Hasan, the son of Bahraini civil society activist and former prisoner of conscience, Ms. Najah Ahmed Habib Yusuf, who had been declared arbitrarily detained by the WGAD. Facing over 20 different[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abbas Hasan Hasan

Abbas Hasan Hasan, a driver at Ruyan company, was almost 26 years old when he was arrested and kidnapped from a car outside his house. Abbas was tortured and convicted in an unfair mass trial. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Jau prison, Abbas contracted the virus.  Around 10 or 11 December 2017,[…]

Bahraini Political Prisoner Dies of Coronavirus As Fresh Outbreak Engulfs Nation

9 June 2021 – A political prisoner has died at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Salmaniya Hospital after contracting Covid-19 at Building 12 of Bahrain’s notorious Jau Prison, despite receiving two doses of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, as the country struggles to contain the worst spike in Coronavirus cases since the pandemic began last[…]

Spanish MEP Tables Question in the European Parliament Regarding EP Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Bahrain

A Spanish Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, tabled a question in the European Parliament (EP) to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy regarding the Urgent Motion Resolution 2021/2578(RSP) on the human rights situation in Bahrain. The Resolution was passed by[…]

Belgian Senator Raises Alarm Over Worsening Covid-19 Outbreak in Bahraini Prisons

A member of the Belgian Senate, Philippe Courard, tabled a written question to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sophie Wilmes, regarding the current COVID-19 outbreak in Bahraini prisons.  Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes this parliamentary question and thanks Senator Courard for bringing attention to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in[…]