NGOs send letter to HRC Member states to support joint statement on Bahrain

To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council                                                                                                                             10 February, 2017 Your Excellency, In view of the marked deterioration in the already poor human rights situation in Bahrain, and as the minimum collective action required, we urge your delegation to support a joint statement expressing concern over[…]

Prisoner Profile: Naji Fateel

Naji Fateel is a human rights defender on the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights. For ten years, Bahraini authorities have detained, harassed, forcibly disappeared, and tortured him repeatedly for his peaceful and lawful human rights activism. In 2007, Bahraini authorities arrested Fateel for participating in a “violent gathering.” They[…]

U.S. should maintain human rights provisions in the sale of fighter jets to Bahrain

On 30 January 2017, Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that he expects President Trump’s administration to approve the stalled sale of F-16 fighter jets to the Government of Bahrain. This sale was blocked by the Obama administration due to concerns over Bahrain’s record on human rights. The sale[…]

NGOs to Bahrain: Do Not Allow Military Courts to Judge Civilians

6 February 2017 – Military courts may soon have permanent power to prosecute civilians as the Government of Bahrain fast-tracks a constitutional amendment which creates a state of “undeclared martial law.” We, the undersigned, call on Bahrain’s legislature not to approve the amendment, and condemn any attempt to try civilians by military judges. On 2[…]

Int’l NGOs send letter to Boris Johnson regarding jailed HRD Nabeel Rajab

Boris Johnson Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs King Charles Street London SW1A 2AH   3 February 2017   Dear Mr Johnson, In light of recent developments in Bahrain, we write to raise our deep concern over the punitive trials of prominent human rights defender Nabeel Rajab, who is being prosecuted in three[…]