Congressman James McGovern delivers speech on one-year anniversary of Nabeel Rajab’s arbitrary arrest

On 13 June 2017, US Congressman James McGovern delivered a speech in Congress to mark the arbitrary arrest and one-year detention of Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab. Congressman McGovern is Rajab’s advocate in the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission’s Defending Freedoms Project for Prisoners of Conscience and has been a champion for publicly condemning[…]

NGOs send letter to UN on 1-year anniversary of the arrest of Nabeel Rajab

Today,13 June 2017, 14 international human rights NGOs sent letters to all UN Member and Observer states urging them to call for the immediate release of Nabeel Rajab and all charges against him dropped. The Bahraini government has brought two cases against Rajab, one for tweet and one for media interviews. Bahraini authorities have subjected Rajab[…]

HRC35 Item 3 Oral Intervention: Discrimination Against Women in the GCC

On 9 June 2017, Jawad Fairooz, Director of Salam for Democracy and Human Rights, delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB and BIRD during the 35th session of the Human Rights Council’s Item 3 addressing the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women’s visit to Kuwait and the issues facing women around the GCC. Please[…]

Bahraini Court Issues Two New Death Sentences Amid Torture Allegations

8 June 2016 – Bahraini courts sentenced two victims of torture to death on Tuesday amid serious concerns that the judiciary failed to uphold basic fair trial and due process guarantees, despite international outcry over recent executions carried out by the Kingdom. We, the undersigned, condemn the authorities’ use of torture and capital punishment and[…]

Bahrain: Press Freedom Groups Call for Lifting of Al Wasat Suspension, As Newspaper’s Ban Continues

8 June 2017 – Top press freedom organizations and local Bahraini groups are among 15 rights groups and campaigners who today raised alarm over the suspension of Bahrain’s only independent newspaper, Al Wasat, which has been barred from publishing for four days now. The 15 rights groups and campaigners, which today wrote letters addressed to[…]