Seven Years After the 2011 Uprising, Bahrain’s Military Courts Confirm Death Sentences for Civilians

21 February 2018 – Today, Bahrain’s Military High Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of three civilians and one soldier convicted in a mass trial – “Terror Case/2017/1” – by the Military High Court on 25 December 2017. The case marks the first trial of civilians before a military tribunal in Bahrain since the 2011 National Safety[…]

British Lawyers Calling for Saudi Arabia to be removed from the UN Human Rights Council

Although Saudi Arabia’s seat on the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council does not expire until 2019, several British lawyers have recently launched a campaign calling for the kingdom’s removal from the Council. The two lawyers, Rodney Dixon QC and Lord Kenneth Donald John Macdonald said that the removal of Saudi Arabia would “act as[…]

Dispatch: Loopholes in the US arms hold on Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior

In the aftermath of the Bahraini government’s violent suppression of the 2011 pro-democracy protest movement, the United States (US) temporarily suspended arms sales to the kingdom’s major security and defense institutions. A key military ally, the US purportedly sought to prevent the further use of American weapons and equipment in bloody attacks on peaceful demonstrators.[…]

Sectarian Discrimination and Extremism in Bahrain’s Security Forces: Questions for US Policy

Is the United States arming extremism in Bahrain? New evidence suggests that Bahrain’s military has directly propagated sectarian hate speech – yet the Trump administration has dropped reform conditions and authorized new multibillion-dollar arms deals for the kingdom. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain’s white paper, Sectarian Discrimination and Extremism in Bahrain’s Security Forces:[…]

Nur al-Sunna (Light of the Sunna): State-Sanctioned Extremism in the Bahrain Defence Force

Analysis and Translation of a Bahraini Military Religious Manual See a PDF file of the analysis and full translation here. Bahraini activists have long reported that the kingdom’s armed services engage in deliberate religious discrimination, with Nabeel Rajab, the country’s leading human rights defender, even prosecuted for describing the security apparatus as an “incubator” for[…]