PRESS RELEASE: Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain Joins Women’s March Global Campaign to End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain joins Women’s March Global Campaign to End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia   Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain and their Coalition partners call for an end to arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the immediate release of Saudi activists World |[…]

US Senator Rand Paul Introduces Joint Resolution Disapproving Arms Sales to Bahrain

On 10 October 2018, United States Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a joint resolution (S.J.Res.65) to the United States Senate disapproving of arms sales to Bahrain. The resolution was read twice, then referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The measure comes shortly after Senator Paul’s push for a US response to the disappearance[…]

Petition: Tell Congress to Stop Trump from Selling More Guns to Abusive Bahrain

The Bahraini military is detaining, trying, and allegedly even torturing civilian prisoners – and Trump just decided to sell them nearly $1 billion worth of new weapons. Congress has less than 30 days to say no. Tell them to now. Last Christmas, the Bahraini military convicted 12 civilians and a soldier in an illegal mass trial[…]

USCIRF Highlights Continued Systematic Religious Freedom Violations in Saudi Arabia

30 April 2018 – On Friday 27 April, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2018 annual report, “documenting religious freedom violations and progress in 28 countries during the 2017 calendar year and making recommendations to the United States (US) government.” In the report, USCIRF notes that throughout 2017, “religious freedom[…]

The Effect of the US’ New Conventional Arms Transfer Policy on Yemen

On 17 April 2018, Martin Griffiths, the new United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for Yemen, gave his first briefing to the UN Security Council. In his remarks, he told the Council that he will give them a framework for negotiations within the next two months and that a political solution to end the devastating fighting[…]