Open Letter to Ministry of Interior Ombudsman, National Institution for Human Rights, and Prisoner and Detainee’s Rights Commission

To view a PDF version of this letter, click here. 15 November 2018 Ms. Maria Khoury Chairperson, National Institution for Human Rights Mr. Nawaf Mohamed Al Moawdah Ministry of Interior Ombudsman Prisoner and Detainee’s Rights Commission Dear Ms. Khoury, Mr. AlMoawdah, and Members of the Commission: Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)[…]

Profiles in Prosecution: Adel Abdulwahed Ebrahim

Adel Abdulwahed Ebrahim, a 20 year-old citizen of Bahrain, was coerced into turning himself into authorities on 21 September 2018. He was detained without due process, tortured by Bahraini authorities, and is charged with crimes he maintains he did not commit. In addition, Adel has been denied medical treatment for the injuries he sustained from[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Ali Ateya Ali

Ali Ateya Ali was employed in a mosque before his arbitrary arrest this year. He was beaten by Special Security Force Command (SSFC) officers, and has been denied access to legal counsel during his trial. He also suffers from a medical condition and is not receiving adequate care while detained. On 14 August 2018, while[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Abdulwahab Husain Ismaeel

Abdulwahab Husain Ismaeel is a 64-year old Bahraini national from the town of Nuwaidrat. He is one of the “Bahrain Thirteen”- a group of thirteen religious leaders, political opposition leaders, and human rights defenders who led non-violent pro-democracy protests in Bahrain in February 2011. He is currently in Jau Prison where he is serving a[…]

UPDATED: United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Saudi Arabia Must Review the Conviction of Munir Al Adam

**Update 23 April 2019 – Today, the Saudi government carried out the executions of 37 men, including Munir Al Adam. His case had drawn the attention of UN bodies, including Special Procedures (SAU 5/2016 and SAU 7/2017), and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) issued a decision on his case finding Saudi Arabia in violation of its[…]