HRC37 Intervention on Cybersurveillance and Cyber Attacks on Bahraini and Emirati Activists

On Tuesday 6 March, at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB’s legal fellow, Bridget Quitter delivered an intervention during the Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteurs on privacy and sale of children. In her intervention, she raised the Bahraini and Emirati government’s use of cyber technology to spy on their citizens,[…]

HRC Written Statement: GCC Free Expression and the Qatar Crisis

On the occasion of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB submitted a written statement to the Council marking increased attacks on free expression throughout the Arab Gulf states following the outbreak of the diplomatic crisis surrounding Qatar. GCC Free Expression and the Qatar Crisis Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)[…]

GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 36 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Bahrain BHR 4/2017 JUA 17 March 2017 Mandates: Arbitrary Detention, Executions, Freedom of opinion and expression, Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Human Rights Defenders, Torture Information received concerning the alleged arbitrary arrest and detention, inhumane and degrading treatment, as well as treatment amounting to torture, of Mr. Sayed Nazar Naama Baqer Ali Yusuf[…]

Emirati Activist Ahmed Mansoor Spends 100 Days in Prison

This week marks 100 days of blogger and pro-democracy activist Ahmed Mansoor’s arbitrary imprisonment in the United Arab Emirates. Having been awarded the Martin Ennals Award for his exceptional work as a human rights defender, Mansoor is one of the most prominent activists in the Gulf region. On 20 March 2017, Mansoor was accused of[…]

HRC35 Item 4 Oral Intervention: Ongoing Human Rights Violations in the UAE

On 16 June 2017, Yusuf al-Hoori delivered an oral intervention during the Item 4 debate at the 35th session of the Human Rights Council. In his intervention, al-Hoori raised a number of ongoing human rights violations in the UAE, including issues of free expression and enforced disappearances. Please continue reading for the full text of[…]