ADHRB Condemns Treatment of Bahraini Prisoners during December Hunger Strike

In early December, Bahrain prison officials in Jaw Prison broke a hunger strike by negotiating with prisoners for the provision of basic essentials to weather the winter season. Days after the hunger strike ended, however, they reneged on their promises and refused to provide prisoners with proper clothing and access to medical treatment. Americans for Democracy and[…]

Actions in Support of December’s Champion for Justice: Nabeel Rajab

During the month of December, ADHRB is asking all defenders of human rights to take part in highlighting Chamtion for Justice Nabeel Rajab  him using the hashtag #BahrainPrisoner on Twitter and changing their Facebook profile picture to the picture on the right. Want to do more? Use our template to write a letter to your Member of Congress expressing[…]

ADHRB Commemorates Human Rights Day

WASHINGTON, DC – December 11, 2013 –Yesterday marked the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations Human Rights Day and the fifty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A time for reflection, we pause to acknowledge the successes made by champions of human rights and to remember our shared duty in[…]

ADHRB Weekly Newsletter 29

ADHRB Exclusive Interview: Activist Travis Brimhall Last week, while government officials, security advisors, and members of the intelligence community were in Bahrain for the Manama Dialogue, Travis Brimhall, Head of the International Office for the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), spend the week in Washington, D.C., speaking with members of the broader policy community to discuss the human[…]

ADHRB Exclusive Interview with Activist Travis Brimhall

Last week, while government officials, security advisors, and members of the intelligence community were in Bahrain for the Manama Dialogue, Travis Brimhall, Head of the International Office for the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), spent the week in Washington, D.C., speaking with members of the broader policy community to discuss the human rights situation[…]