Bahrain Security Forces Weaponize Tear Gas Canisters

25 November 2014 – On 19 November 2014, Yousif Badah attended a memorial event dedicated to his 16-year-old son, Ali Yousif Badah, who was killed during the Bahrain Uprising in 2011. According to his father, who discussed his son’s death in a recent interview with VICE (22’50), Ali Badah was crushed to death when a[…]

Anti-terror Laws Threaten Human Rights Defenders in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia & UAE

On 14 November 2014, six leading human rights NGOs held a discussion in Washington, DC on human rights violations by Gulf countries that are partners of the United States in the fight against ISIS. “Criminalization of Dissent in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates” put the focus on countries which routinely jail those who advocate democratic reform and[…]

Inmate Reportedly Beaten to Death at Bahrain’s Central Prison

On 6 November 2014, 36 year-old Hasan Majeed al-Shaikh was found dead at Bahrain’s Jaw prison. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) express grave concern over al-Shaikh’s death and urge an immediate and impartial investigation into[…]

NGOs Call for Immediate Release of Activists Detained for Free Speech

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, The Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy express deep concern over the continued abuse of judicial power in Bahrain to target human rights activists. In particular, the organizations condemn the continued detention of human rights activists Zainab Al-Khawaja and Ghada[…]

NGOs Urge Bahrain to Drop Charges, Lift Travel Ban on Nabeel Rajab

3 November 2014 – On 2 November, a Bahraini court ordered the release of prominent human rights defender Nabeel Rajab and postponed his trail until 20 January 2015, on the condition of a ban on his travel outside of the country. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Center for Human[…]