In HRC54, a Call for Respecting Yemen’s Sovereignty and Warning of the Consequences of Continued Military Operations and Imposed Restrictions

On 05 October, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 8 during the General debate. NGO’s called for respecting Yemen’s sovereignty and warned of the consequences of continued military operations and imposed restrictions. The Yemeni people’s right to self-determination has been violated by the Saudi-led[…]

ADHRB at #hrc54 calls on the UN Council to appoint a special rapporteur on Bahrain

On 3 October, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 6 during the General debate. ADHRB called on UN Council to appoint a special rapporteur on Bahrain.     We would like to raise concerns about Bahrain’s failure and lack of seriousness to meet its obligations under[…]

ADHRB at #HRC54: Al-Singace, Al-Khawaja, and Naji Fateel, face reprisals including medical neglect

On 29 September, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 5 during the General debate. ADHRB shared the Special Rapporteur’s concerns for the worsening health of hunger-striking life-sentenced detainees, Al-Singace, Al-Khawaja, & Fateel, facing reprisals, including medical neglect. We would like to share the UN Secretary-General’s concerns[…]

ADHRB at HRC54: 63-year-old AlRamel’s medical neglect case mirrors the continuous suffering of political prisoners in Bahrain

On 27 September, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB called for the immediate release of the political prisoner Mohammed Hassan Abdullah Al-Ramal. We bring attention to the deteriorating and life-risking healthcare situation among political prisoners, leading to a lengthy hunger[…]

ADHRB demands to end the policy of slow killing of political prisoners in Bahrain

On 26 September, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB demands to end the policy of slow killing of political prisoners in Bahrain. Mr. President, I would like to draw the Council’s attention to the horrific and systematic violations[…]