ADHRB calls on President Macron to Stand Up for Human Rights When Meeting with King Hamad

29 April 2019 – Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) sent a letter to President Emmanuel Macron ahead of Macron’s meeting with Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa on Tuesday 30 April 2019. In our letter, we urge Macron to have a frank conversation with King Hamad about Bahrain’s human rights[…]

United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities Releases Concluding Observations on the Initial Report of Saudi Arabia

26 April 2019 – On 9 April 2019, the United Nations (UN) Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) published its concluding observations on Saudi Arabia’s initial report. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes the Committee’s comments and holistic overview of the current status of the situation of persons[…]

UN, EU, and NGOs Condemn the Execution of 37 Men in Saudi Arabia

24 April 2019 – Yesterday, the Government of Saudi Arabia executed 37 men for alleged terrorist crimes. Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed the executions in a tweet and the Saudi Press Agency published a statement by the MoI, along with a list of those executed. Sixteen of the executed men were previously the[…]

Six Months of Bahraini Membership on the Human Rights Council: Human Rights Abuses Continue

12 April 2019 – Today marks six months since Bahrain won a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in a blank-slate election despite “flagrant, widespread, and systematic human rights abuses.” Since joining the HRC in October of 2018, Bahrain has continued to perpetrate human rights abuses against its people. These include suspending[…]

Medical Negligence in Bahraini Prisons

Since the 2011 protests and intensified crackdown on civil society, Bahraini authorities continue to use elements of torture, abuse, threats, and unjust treatment against political prisoners as reprisals for their activism. Pressing concerns in the kingdom’s prisons, ran by the corrupt Ministry of Interior, range from poor living conditions to medical neglect and blatant disregard[…]