UPDATED: United Nations Experts Call on Bahrain to Halt Executions of Ali AlArab and Ahmed AlMalali

*** On Saturday 27 July 2019, the Government of Bahrain executed 25-year-old Ali AlArab and 24-year-old Ahmed AlMalali, along with a third individual. Read ADHRB’s statement on the executions here. *** On 26 July 2019, Agnes Callamard, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, issued a press release reiterating her calls for Bahrain[…]

UPDATED: Spanish MP Tables Parliamentary Question on Death Sentences Against Bahraini Citizens Ali AlArab and Ahmed AlMalali

*** On Saturday 27 July 2019, the Government of Bahrain executed 25-year-old Ali AlArab and 24-year-old Ahmed AlMalali, along with a third individual. Read ADHRB’s statement on the executions here.   8 July 2019 – On 1 July, Spanish Member of Parliament (MP) Fernando Adolfo Gutiérrez Díaz de Otazu tabled a parliamentary question regarding the[…]

UPDATED: 8 French MPs Send Letter to Bahraini King Raising Concerns Over the Upholding of the Death Sentences of Ali AlArab and Ahmed AlMalali

*** On Saturday 27 July 2019, the Government of Bahrain executed 25-year-old Ali AlArab and 24-year-old Ahmed AlMalali, along with a third individual. Read ADHRB’s statement on the executions here. 8 July 2019 – On 19 June, eight French Members of Parliament (MPs) sent a letter to Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa. In the[…]

On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, ADHRB Calls for an End to Impunity for Abusers in the GCC

26 June 2019 – Today, on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) highlights victims of torture in the Gulf and calls on countries to halt this abusive practice, investigate all allegations of torture, and hold perpetrators accountable. In Bahrain, serious violations like torture[…]

ADHRB welcomes High Commissioner Bachelet’s opening remarks at HRC41

24 June 2019 – Yesterday, at the opening of the 41st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights delivered her sessional update. In her remarks, she highlighted several important thematic concerns, including attacks on migrants, the continued application of the death[…]