Bahrain Orders Detention of Brothers of Political Prisoner Over Peaceful Protests

7 April 2021 – Bahrain’s Public Prosecutor has ordered the detention of three brothers from Karbabad this morning on suspicion of illegal gathering over their participation in a peaceful demonstrations calling for the release of their brother, political prisoner Mohammed Hameed Abdulla Hasan AlDaqqaq, as protests continue across the country over an outbreak of coronavirus[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Six Bahrainis are arbitrarily detained and victims of various human rights violations

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted an Opinion on 26 November 2020, concerning Ali Mahdi Abdulhusain Mohamad Alaiwi, Hasan Asad Jasim Jasim Nesaif, Habib Hasan Habib Yusuf, Ali Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, Mohamed Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, and Nooh Abdulla Hasan Ahmed Hasan Al Amroom. In the opinion, the WGAD determined[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinion: Nine more Bahrainis are being arbitrarily detained suffering numerous violations of human rights

 The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has formed an Opinion on 18 September 2020 (No.41/2020) concerning Husain Ali Hasan Khamis and eight other Bahraini citizens, recently published on the website of the Working Group and reflected in its annual report to the Human Rights Council. The Opinion, adopted by the Working Group[…]

Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney TD Addresses TD’s Concerns regarding the Threat of Imminent Execution of Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa

Members of the Dáil Éireann engaged in a set of Parliamentary Questions, posing oral questions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney (Fine Gael – Cork South-Central). Over the course of these questions, several TDs challenged the Foreign Minister on the human rights situation in Bahrain, and specifically on the cases of[…]

Dispatch: The Failure of French Ambassadors to Support Human Rights Defenders

 In a year of political turmoil for the European Union, as well as countries near and abroad, France continues to project its image as a leader of humanitarian values and a proponent of “liberté, égalité, fraternité.” However, our research over the previous months has evidenced that liberty, equality, and fraternity are far from the French[…]