Young convicts in the Dry Dock: ongoing violations and delayed justice

On 17 September 2023, approximately 28 young Bahraini detainees in the Dry Dock Detention Center began a new hunger strike in protest against the continued violations committed against them by the prison administration, and the neglect of the relevant state institutions to carry out their duties, notably the National Institution for Human Rights, and the[…]

Widespread Policy of Medical Negligence in Bahraini Prisons Calls for US and European Pressure for the Immediate Release of Political Prisoners

The escalating trend of medical negligence in Bahraini prisons has been observed recently, with a notable absence of effective external pressure to promote human rights in Bahrain from the allies of the ruling authorities, including both the American and European sides, who have historically been supportive of oppressive governments. Last year, US Secretary of State[…]

The Deep Rooted Culture of Impunity Rashid bin Abdulla: The Face of Impunity in Bahrain

 Coinciding with the anniversary of the outbreak of the democratic movement in Bahrain on 14 February 2011, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is launching a campaign entitled “Prosecute Him,” in which it directly condemns the Minister of Interior, Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, as the main person responsible for the horrific[…]

UN Experts Declare Kameel Juma Hasan Arbitrarily Detained, Note Systemic Violations in Bahrain May Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

17 June 2021- Today the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD)  published an Opinion on its website concerning Kameel Juma Mansoor Salman Hasan, the son of Bahraini civil society activist and former prisoner of conscience, Ms. Najah Ahmed Habib Yusuf, who had been declared arbitrarily detained by the WGAD. Facing over 20 different[…]

Bahrain Arrests Families of Political Prisoners Over Peaceful Protests

9 April 2021 – Family members of several prominent political prisoners have been detained in Bahrain over their participation in peaceful demonstration’s calling for the release of political prisoners, including Mohammed AlDaqqaq and death row inmate Mohammed Ramadhan, amid a crackdown on protests sparked by a severe and ongoing outbreak of coronavirus at Jau Prison,[…]