The Case of Mohammed Ramadan and Hussain Moosa in Bahrain

Introduction Mohammed Ramadan and Hussain Moosa are two Bahraini citizens who became internationally known due to their controversial legal cases in Bahrain. Both men were arrested in February 2014 and subsequently sentenced to death, sparking widespread criticism from human rights organisations worldwide. The circumstances surrounding their arrests, interrogations, and trials have been widely condemned, particularly[…]

Restricted Freedom … The Bahraini Government’s failure to Implement Transitional Justice for Released Individuals

On 8 April 2024, a royal decree was issued pardoning 1,584 prisoners, including several political prisoners. At first glance, the decree was considered a progressive reform in response to human rights demands aimed at improving the country’s dire rights situation. However, the step was incomplete, revealing that it was merely a means for the regime[…]

Repression Climates in Bahrain: Summoning as a Vindictive Approach for Silencing Voices

The Bahraini government promotes its human rights record through formal steps taken from time to time. These efforts often aim to cover up its violations and present an incomplete picture of the human rights situation in the country. Since the start of the popular demand movement in 2011, there has been no real reform. However,[…]

UN WGAD finds the detention of four elderly Bahraini opposition leaders arbitrary and subjected to torture, coerced confessions, enforced disappearances, unfair trials, and medical neglect

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published today the opinion it adopted on 16 November 2023 during its 98th session concerning four elderly Bahraini opposition leaders. These Bahraini leaders were arbitrarily arrested and subjected to countless human rights violations including torture, enforced disappearances, prolonged solitary confinement, denial of phone contacts and visits,[…]

Political Prisoners Released in Bahrain: Deprived of Their Freedom Even Outside Bars

In light of Bahrain’s decade-long policy of silence regarding its citizens’ demands for reform and democracy, thousands of Bahraini youth and children who participated in the 2011 popular movement have spent a significant portion of their lives behind prison bars. In some cases, these prison sentences have exceeded the young ages of the prisoners. International[…]