Rights Groups to F1: Cancel the Race if You Can’t Guarantee Safety

6 April 2017 – The Formula 1 Grand Prix in Bahrain should be cancelled unless it can uphold its human rights commitments, say human rights NGO’s in a letter made public today. You can read a PDF of the letter here. The Bahrain Grand Prix (GP) has been controversial since it was first cancelled in[…]

An Overview of ADHRB Engagement at the 34th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Geneva, Switzerland — From 28 February to 24 March 2017, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) participated in the 34th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), raising concerns over a variety of human rights abuses being commited by the governments of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)[…]

HRC34 Oral Interventions: Item 6 on Bahrain’s lack of UPR implementation

On 17 March 2017, Michael Payne, International Advocacy Officer at ADHRB, delivered an oral intervention during the 34th session of the Human Rights Council under Item 6 on behalf of ADHRB, BIRD, and BCHR. In his intervention he addressed the Bahraini government’s unwillingness to implement its second-cycle UPR recommendations, including to curb torture or protect[…]

HRC34 Oral Interventions: Item #4 General Debate

On 15 March 2017, Husain Abdulla, the Executive Director of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain delivered an oral intervention under the Item 4 General Debate. He highlighted the United Kingdom’s complicity in human rights abuses in Bahrain, because of the international protection the UK has given the kingdom, particularly in the Human[…]

HRC 34 Oral Interventions: Item #3 General Debate on Bahrain

On 10 March 2017, Ebrahim Demistani delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB at the 34th session of the Human Rights Council. He participated in the Item #3 General Debate, delivering an oral intervention highlighting the UN Special Procedures recent communications with the Bahraini government. Please continue reading for full remarks or click here[…]