Profile in Persecution: Husain Ali Khamis Barbar

Updated: Husain Ali Khamis Barbar was an 18-year-old Bahraini student when he was arbitrarily arrested a few months after finishing high school. During his detention, he was subjected to torture, solitary confinement, an unfair trial, medical neglect, provocation, and humiliation. He is currently serving a 17-year and six-month prison sentence on charges of political background[…]

2021: The year of systematic policies to whitewash human rights violations in Bahrain


The year 2021 witnessed systematic whitewashing campaigns by Bahrain authorities, stemming from critical events. These included incidents at Jau and Dry Dock prisons such as the Ombudsman office acquitting prison officials of  any violations committed against Dr. AbdulJalil Al-Singace, who has been on hunger strike since July 8 to the date in protest against the[…]

Bahrain’s wrongful treatment of HRDs must be called out by the international community

More than half of the population of Bahrain participated in a peaceful pro-democracy movement in 2011. These protests challenged structural inequalities, corruption, repression of fundamental human rights, religious sectarianization, and a lack of democratic political representation in Bahrain. The Government of Bahrain brutally repressed the protesters and since 2011, the government has further intensified its[…]

Bahrain’s Repression of Online Dissent an Egregious Violation of Freedom of Expression

In response to increasing citizen protest and activism online, especially during and after the 2011 pro-democracy movement in Bahrain, the Government of Bahrain intensified its efforts to silence peaceful criticism and intimidate activists online. Along with its overly broad and vague anti-terror law, Bahrain cracks down on dissent online through cybercrime legislation, including the Information[…]

16 French MPs Denounce Bahrain’s Human Rights Abuses in Letter to Ambassador to Bahrain

Following the initiative launched by ADHRB alongside the French Member of Parliament (MP) Frédérique Dumas, 15 other MPs from the Assemblée Nationale (lower house), have endorsed a letter to the Ambassador of France to Bahrain. This letter alerts him to the deplorable conditions that detainees, and in particular prisoners of conscience, are facing in Bahraini[…]