Landslide Call by 60 MEPs to the King of Bahrain to Release All Political Prisoners

On the 17th of  June 2020, 60 MEPs sent a letter to the King of Bahrain demanding the release of the rest of political detainees in Bahrain, who had been left out of the prior prison release on March 17th 2020. Read the full letter HERE The Bahraini government cited that the reason for the[…]

COVID-19: How the Pandemic used by GCC Governments to Double Down on Human Rights Violations

The COVID-19 has infected millions of people around the world and has compelled governments to take extraordinary measures to combat its spread across the population. However, these actions pose a risk of infringing upon international human rights law standards, even if COVID-19 poses a significant threat to public health. Declaring a state of emergency can[…]

France’s Double Standards

Q: Can France be a leader in regard to freedom of expression when artists / journalists are killed in the countries supported by France?  In a democracy, freedom of expression is a fundamental right which cannot be compromised. Historically, France has taken a leading role in regard to free speech. Dating back to the French[…]

Bahrain censors anti-normalisation online event

12 May 2020 – On Saturday, Bahrain’s government forced the cancellation of an online symposium featuring speakers opposed to the normalisation of diplomatic ties between the Gulf States and Israel. The online broadcast was suspended shortly after it began, following a call to event organisers by Bahrain’s Ministry of Labour and Social Development with orders[…]

From 14 Countries and 22 Capitals and Cities: Voices Demand the Release of Bahraini Political Prisoners

With the hashtag #ReleasePoliticalPrisoners, students and activists all over Europe expressed their concern and demanded the immediate release of political prisoners in Bahrain. On March 17, 2020, Bahrain completed the release of 1,486 prisoners, 901 of whom received royal pardons on “humanitarian grounds.” The remaining 585 were given non-custodial sentences. While this is a positive[…]