Ibrahim Sharif: October Champion for Justice

Bahrain Champion for Justice: Ibrahim Sharif Ibrahim (Ebrahim) Sharif is the General Secretary of the secular liberal National Democratic Action Society, also known as Wa’ad. Sharif was one of the first opposition leaders to join the protests in February 2011. He consistently emphasized the universality of the protestors’ demands, eschewing sectarianism and calling for a[…]

Repression Climates in Bahrain: Summoning as a Vindictive Approach for Silencing Voices

The Bahraini government promotes its human rights record through formal steps taken from time to time. These efforts often aim to cover up its violations and present an incomplete picture of the human rights situation in the country. Since the start of the popular demand movement in 2011, there has been no real reform. However,[…]

Bahrain’s King’s Pardon: an act to hide the human rights violations

On Monday, April 8, 2024, Bahrain’s King issued a royal decree pardoning 1,584 prisoners  convicted of criminal and riot charges, making it the largest pardon since the  Arab Spring in 2011. This pardon was announced ahead of Eid al-Fitr,  a time when Muslims are encouraged to seek forgiveness and thus also a time when many[…]

ADHRB at HRC55 : We Ask For Accountability For Violations Instead of Promoting Impunity for Political Reasons

On 21st March 2024, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 55 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB urged the council to  ensure accountability prevails over political considerations in addressing human rights violations. We express deep concern over the United States’ unwavering support for countries with poor human[…]

Self-censorship: Bahrainis’ Refuge from the Guillotine of Government Pursuit

Before the commencement of the 55th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) on 26 February 2024, ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain have been exposed. This is despite the government’s vigorous efforts to conceal these violations, particularly the freedom of opinion and expression, by claiming superficial reforms before the international community. However, monitoring the[…]