Bahrain Postpones Opposition Leaders’ Free Speech Trials

12 October 2015 – Bahraini courts today postponed the trials of Ebrahim Sharif and Majeed Milad to 12 November 2015 and 27 October 2015, respectively. Sharif, former Secretary-General of the National Democratic Action Society (Wa’ad), faces up to ten years in prison for charges related to free expression. Milad, a senior member of the opposition and[…]

Newsletter #122

ADHRB Releases Volume II of Shia Discrimination Report Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) are pleased to announce the publishing of a new report entitled “Apart in Their Own Land, Vol. II”—a report on official and unofficial forms[…]

Apart in Their Own Land II: Shia Discrimination in Bahrain

15 September 2015 — Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) are pleased to announce the publishing of a new report entitled Apart in Their Own Land, Vol. II—a report on official and unofficial forms of discrimination[…]

September Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Imprisoned Politicians

Last year marked the first general elections to be held in Bahrain since the pro-democracy uprising of 2011. Since the election, which has been named amongst the worst elections in 2014 alongside those in Syria and Afghanistan, the Government of Bahrain has infringed on the freedoms of political opposition societies across the political spectrum. Al-Wefaq,[…]

Newsletter #119

Urgent Appeal: Release Prisoner of Conscience Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace as Hunger Strike Reaches 160th Day On 21 March 2015, Dr. al-Singace went on hunger strike in protest of the collective punishment and acts of torture that police inflicted upon prisoners following a riot in Jau Prison earlier that month. Last Thursday, he passed 160 days of[…]