EU Parliament Urgent Resolution Condemns Human Rights Situation in Bahrain

11 March 2021 – The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in a plenary session today to adopt an urgent resolution condemning human rights abuses in Bahrain, including an increase in the use of the death penalty, the continued use of torture against detainees and the persecution of human rights defenders, lawyers and other civil society[…]

15 Rights Groups Urge Biden Administration to Place Human Rights “at the Centre” of US-Bahrain Foreign Policy

5 March 2021 – The Biden administration should act on the president’s campaign promises by restoring human rights “as a key feature of American diplomacy” in Bahrain and the wider Arab Gulf, in light of a dramatic deterioration in the country’s rights record during the previous U.S. administration, 15 human rights groups including the American[…]

Bahrain: Joint Letter to EU Ahead of Meeting With Bahraini Delegation 

Re: EU-Bahrain Cooperation Agreement Must Depend on Human Rights Improvements Find PDF version Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission Eamon Gilmore, EU Special Representative for Human Rights Your Excellencies, In light of the meeting between Bahrain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and[…]

Six UN Experts Sent Letter to Bahrain on Violence Against Women Human Rights Defenders

On 17 January 2019, six United Nations (UN) Special Procedures offices sent an Allegation Letter (AL BHR 7/2018) to the Government of Bahrain on three Bahraini women subjected to reprisals. The communication was sent by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; the Special Rapporteur on the[…]

Bahrain UN Side Event on Religious Tolerance Omits Rampant Discrimination and Abuse

2 October 2018 – On 29 September, the Bahraini government launched a renewed effort to whitewash its abysmal record of state-sponsored religious discrimination in one of the world’s most prominent international forums. At a side event in New York City, coinciding with the 73rd Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA), Bahraini officials[…]