Bahrain Solidarity Day

15 December 2016 – This past year the Government of Bahrain drastically increased its suppression of Bahraini civil and political society. Today, Bahraini human rights organizations stand in solidarity with the people of Bahrain in the face of systematic human rights abuses in proclaiming the first Bahrain Solidarity Day. In 2011, hundreds of thousands of[…]

Al Wefaq Head Ali Salman’s Unfair 9-Year Sentence Upheld

12 December 2016 – An appeals court today upheld the arbitrary 9-year sentence against opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman following an extended and flawed re-trial. The Bahraini government ordered a retrial of the leader of Al-Wefaq in October, but these free expression-related convictions upheld today reflect Bahrain’s continued failure to adhere to international standards of[…]

Canadian FM must call on Govt of Bahrain to release journalists and activists

The following letter was sent to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephane Dion. We, the undersigned human rights organizations, are deeply concerned by the continued targeting of individuals, including journalists, for their free expression in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As the Manama Dialogue defense conference is set to take place from December 9th to 11th,[…]

Case Update: Faisal Hayyat sentenced to three months in prison

Last week, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and 45 other NGOs submitted a letter to the Bahraini government calling for the immediate release of Faisal Hayyat. Hayyat is a renowned sports journalist who was detained and tortured by the government during the unrest of 2011. The Bahraini government rearrested him in[…]

Human Rights Groups to Theresa May: Use Influence to End Repression in Bahrain

Human rights organizations published an open letter to UK Prime Minister Theresa May ahead of her visit to Bahrain on Tuesday 6 December urging her to raise human rights as she attends the Gulf Cooperation Council Leaders Summit. The groups warn that claims of reform are disingenuous in light of escalating repression and urge her not[…]