Restricted Freedom … The Bahraini Government’s failure to Implement Transitional Justice for Released Individuals

On 8 April 2024, a royal decree was issued pardoning 1,584 prisoners, including several political prisoners. At first glance, the decree was considered a progressive reform in response to human rights demands aimed at improving the country’s dire rights situation. However, the step was incomplete, revealing that it was merely a means for the regime[…]

Safeguarding the rights of older people in Bahrain

The Middle East is home to a diverse and dynamic population, with a rich cultural heritage and a rapidly evolving socio-economic landscape. However, amid these changes, the rights of older people often receive insufficient attention. In Bahrain, the plight of older citizens presents a pressing issue that demands urgent action. Older people in Bahrain often[…]

Advanced arms and technology for a monarchy with an appalling human rights record: the US-Saudi Arabia Security Pact

A security guarantee, assistance in developing a nuclear program, and more unrestricted arms sales in exchange for the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations is what the Biden administration proposes to Saudi Arabia in a bilateral agreement that is close to being finalized between the two countries. Long gone are Biden’s words in the 2019 Democratic primary[…]

How the UAE is adding fuel to the fire in the Sudan war

The ongoing civil war in Sudan, characterised by relentless violence and humanitarian crises, has been significantly exacerbated by the covert intervention of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Operating under the pretext of humanitarian aid for refugees, the UAE has been secretly supporting one faction in the conflict. This includes providing advanced weaponry and drones, intensifying[…]

Women’s rights in Kuwait: a road full of obstacles

The women’s rights situation in Kuwait is similar to that of other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, where the male guardianship system limits women’s autonomy to make decisions about their lives. Discrimination against women in Kuwait is well reflected in the country’s two personal status laws (PSLs) codified in 1984 and 2019. Laws that regulate[…]