Profiles in Persecution: Kameel Juma Hasan

Kameel Hasan was a 16-year-old high school student when he was arrested in December 2019. Bahraini authorities targeted Kameel as a form of reprisal against his mother, Bahraini activist Najah Yusuf, who is a former prisoner of conscience who had been released in August 2019. He had been targeted since 23 April 2017 when he[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Mohamed AlDerazi

Husain was a 16 year-old student when he was arrested with his brother on 15 January 2019. Forces arrested him at his family’s house at 2:20 a.m. An arrest warrant was not presented at the time of the arrest.  Husain was investigated for 20 days, during which he was not allowed contact with his family.[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Husain Hasan Abdulnabi

Husain was a 34-year-old self-employed bus driver when he was arrested on 10 December 2017. After being arbitrarily detained and subjected to torture, he was sentenced to life in prison and stripped of his nationality in an unfair trial. He is currently in Jau Prison. On 10 December 2017, at 2 am, National Security Agency[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Ali Husain Maki

Ali was a 18-year-old student in Tubli when he was arrested for the second time on 15 January 2019. Ali was violently arrested at his grandfather’s house, beaten and threatened by the authorities. He has since been subjected to two weeks of torture, as well as an unfair trial. Ali remains imprisoned in the New[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Salman Abbas Hasan

Salman was a 24-year-old volleyball player when he was arrested on 4 September 2014. Without presenting a warrant, authorities had beaten and arrested him. An interrogation and trial marred with human rights violations followed. Salman is currently in Jau Prison serving a 19-year and six-month sentence. On 4 September 2014, riot police and civilian officers[…]