Sayed Falah Mohsen Fadhul, a Bahraini high school student, was only 15 years old when authorities arrested him from his family’s apartment on 16 January 2020. Baselessly accused of joining a terrorist organization affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and wroking to avenge Qassim Suleimani’s assassination, Sayed Falah was convicted along with 17 defendants in what[…]
Sayed Redha Fadhul was a 15-year-old high school student when he was arrested during a raid on his house, along with his brother and cousin in 2020. He was then placed in solitary confinement for a month with no contact with a lawyer or his family and was subject to extreme psychological and physical torture.[…]
Ali Hasan was 22 years old when he was arrested along with his two cousins at their house in the Karanah area. During the period of the investigation, Ali was subjected to numerous human rights violations. He was tortured in order to obtain confessions from him and suffered a serious hand injury as a result; this[…]
Husain Abdulla was a 22-year-old preparatory student when he was warrantlessly arrested in 2016 after a raid on his uncle’s house. Husain was brutally tortured afterwards, which resulted in severe head and body injuries. Recently, his repeated requests for medical treatment have been ignored by Jau prison administration, which resulted in his appendix bursting requiring[…]
Hasan Radhi AlBaqali was a 28-year-old security personnel at a private company when he was arrested by Omani authorities on 22 February 2016 at Muscat Airport Oman based on Bahrain’s allegations, via INTERPOL, that he was a fugitive from justice. During his detention, he was subjected to torture and to several human rights violations. Recently,[…]