Profile in persecution: Ammar Abdulghani Abdulla

Ammar Abdulghani Abdulla is a Bahraini student who was warrantlessly arrested in 2017, and has been subjected to multiple human rights violations on multiple occasions, including torture and unfair trial. He was charged in multiple cases and is currently serving his sentence at Jau prison. Since August 2022, Ammar has been placed in isolation among[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hasan Fadhel Al-Bahhar

Hasan Fadhel Al-Bahhar is a Bahraini youth who is currently serving his alternative punishment and is under house arrest. Despite being a minor, he was arbitrarily arrested, interrogated alone, and subjected to multiple human rights violations, including torture and unfair trial. He was recently charged in the case of burning an electoral site and sentenced[…]

Profile in Persecution: Khalil Ebrahim Sabah

Khalil Ebrahim Sabah, an elementary student who suffers from a severe learning disability, was arrested in October 2022 for burning an electoral tent. He has been subjected to multiple human rights violations, including torture and unfair trial, and was charged in the cases of arson and another case. He is currently serving his sentence at[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hasan Ahmed Radhi Mohamed ( Sarhan )

Hasan Ahmed Radhi Mohamed was a recent high school graduate when Bahraini authorities arrested him in 2012.  He has been subjected to human rights violations on multiple occasions, including torture and unfair trial when was charged in the case of establishing and joining a terrorist cell, the February 14 Coalition, as well as in other[…]

Profile in persecution: Husain Abdulla Marhoon Rashed

Husain Abdulla Marhoon Rashed is a 31 years old bahraini from Al Diraz, who was warrantlessly arrested in 2017, tortured and charged in a terrorist case. He faced numerous violations in fair trial procedures, which led him to confess to the charges brought against him. He was sentenced to death, and after exhausting all legal[…]