دعوة: حلقة نقاش حول التمييز ضدّ المرأة في السعودية

ندعوكم للانضمام إلينا في ندوة ننظمها بالتعاون مع هيومان رايتس فرست في الـ 13 من مايو 2015 الساعة 3:45 مساءًا في مبنى رايبورن في واشنطن. تتناول حلقة النقاش التمييز الممنهج المستمرّ ضدّ المرأة في المملكة العربية السعودية. .سيتم التطرّق لعدة مواضيع منها قانون ولاية الأمر, وقانون الأسرة, و حظر قيادة السيارة

ADHRB Joins Letter to Saudi-led Coalition on IHL Violations in Yemen

Last week, ADHRB joined a group of five NGOs in a letter to King Salman of Saudi Arabia requesting that the Saudi-led coalition observe international humanitarian law and principles of medical impartiality as it conducts hostilities in Yemen. Find the text of the letter below, and the full letter here. — H.R.H. King Salman bin[…]

Upcoming Event: Discrimination Against Women in Saudi Arabia

Please join Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and Human Rights First on 13 May 2015 at 3:45 PM in Room 2456 at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC for a discussion on the ongoing discriminatory practices the government of Saudi Arabia uses against women in the country. The event panel will include[…]

Mapping Saudi State Chapter 2: The MOI (Part 1)

* Best viewed in full screen mode In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 2: The Ministry of Interior (Part 1), ADHRB details the workings of the Saudi ministry tasked with ensuring internal stability and enforcing criminal law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB focuses on how those ministry agencies most crucial[…]

Mapping the Saudi State, Ch. 1: The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

* Best viewed in full screen mode. In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 1: The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), ADHRB details the workings of the Saudi agency tasked with enforcing the public observance of the government’s interpretation of Islamic law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written[…]