GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 42 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Kuwait Kuwait OL 8 Mar. 2019 KWT 1/2019 Mandates: Business, Development, Environment, Foreign debt, Indigenous peoples, International order, Water and sanitation Alleged victims: – Concerns in relation to the ongoing work of the Working Group III on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Reform. “. . . [W]e wish to express our overarching concerns that international investment[…]

HRC42 Written Statement: The imprisonment of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

Ahead of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning Saudi Arabia’s targeting of women human rights defenders for arrest, detention, and torture and ill treatment. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement,[…]

UPDATED: President Trump Vetoes Bipartisan Resolutions to Block Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE

***On 24 July 2019, President Donald Trump vetoed the bipartisan resolutions to block US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.  ***On 17 July 2019, the House passed three resolutions already passed by Senate, in an attempt to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. S.J.Res 36 passed 238-190, S.J.Res 37 passed[…]

ADHRB submitted a written statement to the Human Rights Council about the use of capital punishment in Saudi Arabia

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) put forth a written statement to the Human Rights Council. The submission raises concerns about the use of capital punishment in Saudi Arabia, in particular against dissidents and peaceful protesters. In view of the increasing imposition of the death penalty over the past several years, the[…]

ADHRB calls on the Human Rights Council to hold Saudi Arabia and the UAE accountable for their actions

On 3 July 2019, during the 41st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral statement during the Council’s Item 4 General Debate drawing attention to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates’ efforts to silence dissent and democratic action domestically and[…]