Declaration to demand Loujain al-Hathloul’s Freedom on Occasion of Her Second Hearing

French Deputy Jean-Baptiste Moreau (LREM), president of the France-Saudi Arabia parliamentary friendship group again joins forces with Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Women’s March Global, International Service for Human Rights, MENA Rights Group, to reiterate the demand for the definitive release of Loujain al-Hathloul and her right to return to France,[…]

42 organizations: The Khashoggi report makes clear, It’s time to Sanction MBS  

In response to the release of the long-awaited declassification of the U.S. national intelligence report regarding the involvement of Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (“MBS”) in the murder of U.S. permanent resident and Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, 42 organizations said: “President Biden should use his power to impose the full range of sanctions[…]

French MP and Rights Groups to Saudi Arabia: Release Women Human Rights Defenders

French Deputy Jean-Baptiste Moreau (LREM), president of the France-Saudi Arabia parliamentary friendship group joins forces with Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Women’s March Global, International Service for Human Rights, MENA Rights Group, CODEPINK, to demand the definitive release of Loujain al-Hathloul and her right to return to France.   On February[…]

Loujain AlHathloul Sentenced to 5 Years and 8 Months in Prison for her Activism by the Specialized Criminal Court in Saudi Arabia

28 Dec 2020 – After 958 days in detention, a majority of which was spent in pre-trial detention, Loujain AlHathloul a leading Saudi women’s rights activist was sentenced to 5 years and 8 months in prison in court today by the Specialised Criminal Court (terrorism court). The sentence includes a suspension of 2 years and[…]

Dispatch on US and UK involvement in war crimes in Yemen

Overview of the Conflict Since the war began in 2015 coalition forces have regularly violated international humanitarian law through unlawful airstrikes which targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure including mosques, hospitals, schools, homes, and markets, the use of banned cluster munitions, engaging in a pattern of enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and torture of perceived political opponents[…]