Football Club Takeover by Bahraini Royal Family: Warned a ‘whitewash’ by Spanish MP Adelante

On the 26 June 2020, Spanish political party Adelante released a public statement concerning the Bahraini Royal Family purchase of Spanish football club, Córdoba FC. Luzmarina Dorado, Member of Parliament for Adelante Andalucía for Córdoba, warned that the Bahraini Royal Family intends to use the purchase as a means to strengthen its public image so[…]

Landslide Call by 60 MEPs to the King of Bahrain to Release All Political Prisoners

On the 17th of  June 2020, 60 MEPs sent a letter to the King of Bahrain demanding the release of the rest of political detainees in Bahrain, who had been left out of the prior prison release on March 17th 2020. Read the full letter HERE The Bahraini government cited that the reason for the[…]

Torture Survivors Face Imminent Execution After Bahrain’s Highest Court Finalises Death Sentences Against Two, Reinstates Citizenship to One

15 June 2020 – This morning, Bahrain’s Court of Cassation, the country’s highest appeals court, upheld the death sentence against Zuhair Ibrahim Jasim Abdullah, a 40-year old former restaurateur arrested in November 2017 on suspicion of carrying out a terror attack which killed a police officer. The death sentence of another individual, Hussein Abdullah Khalil[…]

The Plight of Human Rights Defenders in the UAE: Squalid Prison Conditions and Government Reprisals

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is considered to be one of the most difficult countries in the world for human rights defenders (HRDs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). Their ability to operate freely in the country and to engage with the international community in order to advance human rights is constantly obstructed and restricted by[…]

BREAKING: Bahrain’s Leading Rights Activist Nabeel Rajab Released From Prison Under Alternative Sentencing

9 June 2020 – Nabeel Rajab, Bahrain’s most prominent human rights defender and president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, has been released from Jau Prison today under alternative sentencing legislation after serving almost four years on two convictions for criticising Bahrain’s government on social media and in television interviews. The decision to release[…]